Mission & Vision


To become the leading and most reliable financial services company.
We want to be globally respected organization for it’s value based Products and Services and it’s cost competitiveness
We emphasize a service-oriented, team approach to providing financial information, systems, and policies that meet fiduciary and regulatory responsibilities, address the operational needs of the Clients’s and serve the needs of our fellow employees, and sponsors.


The companies that survive longest are the ones that work out what they uniquely can give to the world-not just growth or money but their excellence, their respect for others, and their ability to satisfy their customers.
QR Pay Online will do what it takes to ensure our customers are satisfied with the services we provide. We will continue to be an industry leader for environmental remediation with our core competency being radiological services.
We will drive this growth through strong competitive advantage based on our core values, people, technology, and strategic suppliers. We will be the small business leader in providing these services to government and commercial clients worldwide.